Monday, September 30, 2019

Beginners Guide for Zend Framework 2.0

Beginners Guide for Zend Framework 2. 0 When it comes to open source software and applications, Zend Framework is one of the most preferred platforms for web applications. Zend Framework 2. 0 has been released to overcome the common issues of the previous version and provide an advanced framework for the development of web applications. You can expect a lot of new features including cloud computing, superior event management, and advanced features for event tracking. The Beginners Guide for Zend Framework 2. is a series which will help you in getting started with Zend Framework 2. 0. We are going to discuss each and every aspect of ZF2. 0 with practical example. What’s new in Zend Framework 2. 0 Before starting with ZF2. 0, let us find out what’s new in this version †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ New and refactored Autoloaders Improved Exception System Advance and refactored View Component New Cloud Infrastructure component New and advan ced Event Manager component New Plugin Broker Strategy Rewritten Session Component New Dependency Injection ComponentPost 1 of series ——————————————————————————————————– How to setup Zend Framework 2. 0 Zend Framework 2. 0 is a whole new outfit for Zend Framework and you will find new components, renamed and changed components, and addition of advanced services for better web applications. You would be amazed with the bug fixes and error controlling components available with ZF2. 0. So you need a lot of modifications for this latest version and let us find out how to start working with ZF2. 0. Installing Zend framework 2. First of all you need to download the setup of ZF2. 0 and the best option is to download Zend Framework Minimal Package fo r Windows including PHP 5. 3 in it. Save the file in the library folder as library/zend. There are different methods for installing ZF2. 0 on your machine: †¢ †¢ †¢ Installation Using Pear Installation Using Subversion (svn) Using Git Installation with Pear For the users having Pear enabled on their system, the best method of installing ZF 2. 0 is by using Pear and following two simple command as: pear channel-discover pear. zfcampus. org pear install zfcampus/zfInstallation with Subversion (svn) Users having Subversion running on their system can download the software from public repository and you are not required to download the whole version, you can simply upgrade the frame work with new releases. Installing with Git Many programmers prefer Git for downloading the latest software upgrades and you can use Git for the latest version of ZF 2. 0. Getting ready for your first ZF Project Zend Framework has some specific system requirements like adding frame work in inc lude_path and access to scripts located outside the document.You need to have a proper directory structure before starting with the project and let us find out the best directory structure for your first ZF project 1. docroot/ 2. index. php 3. application/ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. default/ controllers/ IndexController. php FooController. php models/ views/ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. scripts/ index/ foo/ helpers/ filters/ blog/ controllers/ IndexController. php models/ views/ scripts/ index/ helpers/ filters/ news/ controllers/ IndexController. php ListController. hp models/ views/ scripts/ index/ list/ helpers/ Filters/ Each of the directories has a specific role and use, let us find out the importance of each of these directories Application: Application directory is meant for all the codes used for the application. Configs: This directory is responsible for the overall application. Modules: Modules are required for at different stages of development so make sure to create a directory for modules for any future requirements of the project. Data: Data directory is responsible for holding volatile and temporary data including sessions, logs, cache, and even the upload data.This directory will act as an easy to find data block for your application. Library: This directory is used for storing different libraries that are throughout the application. Add this directory in include_path for any reference and requirement. Scripts: Script directory is used for maintaining all the scripts including patches, command line, and cron scripts used in the application. Docs: This directory is created for storing data generated in the application and data directly used in the application. Setting Up bootstrapBootstrap is the entry and exit point for all the command in any given applications including requests, response, route, and even dispatch commands. For setting up your Bootstrap, create index. php file and a dd the following code in your application. Background Process: First of all, you need to define all the main directories as contants for easy access and then initiate Zend/Application/Application for starting the application. The command bootstrap() is used for booting the application and then transfer the control to the original bootstrap of the application.For higher security, make sure to mention minimum details in index. php and try to keep all the logic in the bootstrap class created in your application directory. The next step in setting up ZF 2. 0 is to create the . htaccess file for handling and redirecting all the requests to bootstrap. Create . htaccess file for your project The main function of . htaccess file is redirect all the requests made in the project to the public bootstrap file. Before creating the file, you need to mention its global configuration like rewriting writes and similar permissions.You can do it by following method. Create a directive in your vhost fi le and provide permission for . htaccess to be parsed. allow override all none Now create public/. htaccess file with following code: Once you have created the . htaccess file for your application, you are ready to start with the project. Although there are some simple steps left in the process including setting up the application. ini file and then you can start with creating your first controller, how to input data from user, filter the data, validating data, and a lot of different things.Conclusion: ZF 2. 0 has a lot of quality upgrades as compared to the earlier version and the best way to use all of these features is to follow this guide step by step. There are many new features added in ZF 2. 0 which makes it a really powerful tool for developing impressive web applications. One of the most important additions is the advanced Event Manager and Cloud Infrastructure tool provided in ZF 2. 0. There is a lot to learn in this new feature packed Framework. Next Post Contents: †¢ †¢ Displaying information to user How to link pages together

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Response Essay

Response Essay In reading the three articles, â€Å"From Degrading to De-Grading† by Alfie Kohn, â€Å"And Now He is Nothing† by Michael Specter and â€Å"Dilma Rousseff† by Simon Romero my impressions of each article varies from one of unbelief to affirmation. As compelling as the ideology of not grading is, the practicality of implementation would be enormous. The assumption that Lance Armstrong is now nothing can it really be so easily dismissed? Finally, Dilma Rousseff rise to power as a right of previous wrongs remains to be seen; each writer conveying a very persuasive argument.I embrace Alfie Kohn’s ideology that by grading a student’s work one actually hinders the process of learning. Having three school-aged children myself, I see the effect grades have on their mindset. If they do not achieve an â€Å"A† they feel less than their peers. I also have seen instances where they will pick the easiest assignment or not bother to complete extra credit assignments for grading. Therefore, in this regard I do agree that grading does play a factor in their learning experience.However, the practicality of overcoming the mindset of a nation of people is a daunting task that may very well take years to persuade. As much as I may agree with Mr. Kohn’s ideology, I do not see this becoming mainstreamed within the educational system any time in the near future. His ideology would have to be fully embraced by the educational system for steps of improvement in grading students to take hold. This may very well take a grass roots effort from the parents and citizens themselves before ideology could be changed, which would take much time in educating the public on this subject.As much as I personally would love to see this type of learning be prevalent within our educational system I do not see it happening in my lifetime. One can only hope. Such as the case with Lance Armstrong, our hopes in him as a nation were dashed with the admission of doping. As with many of our athletes, it is always a disappointment when news of their achievement is eroded by one form of cheating or another. His achievements are outstanding and his passion and dedication for bicycling is inspiring, especially having overcome the dread of cancer.We are always looking to others to motivate us, or inspire us to do more than we think we are capable of doing, which is what makes his admission so painful. I agree that I was shocked by the news, but is the punishment truly warranted; to remove all seven of his Tour de France victories? I don’t believe it is warranted, neither can it be proven as he had been tested numerous times over the years and never tested positive. An admission alone is not proof enough and should not warrant such an ardent punishment. Although I agree with the writer’s disappointment I do not agree with striping him of all his wins.People are not always what you think they are. As with Dilma Rousse ff, the darling of the Brazilian government, her rags to riches story is compelling. While I applaud Ms. Rousseff’s accomplishments, it remains to be seen if she in fact will be the savior of her country or the start of its demise. Her ideology that government can fix all the economic problems by stimulating the economy with stimulus packages in my opinion is just a temporary fix. Just as we have seen in our own country with the bank bailouts and the loans to the automotive corporations has only delayed the effects of a slumped economy.The promise that better days are ahead remains exactly that, somewhere over the horizon. Do I feel that it is wrong for the government to stimulate the economy, no, but neither do I believe that the government is our savior. This world’s economy is such a delicate balancing act that anything outside of your own four walls can ultimately be your downfall. Each article evokes a different response from the wish of a complete overhaul of our educational system, to our hopes dashed by choices made by one of our star athletes, to skepticism of big brother being our fix all.As much as I agree with the ideology of De-Grading the implementation would be difficult at best. Armstrong’s rise to fame and demise is one that will be remembered for years by those for and against the ruling levied against him. Finally, everyone loves the underdog such as the case with Ms. Rousseff but it remains to be seen if her ideology of government intervention is truly the best approach for Brazil’s economic future. In conclusion, I would more than likely read more articles written by these writers because of their ability to persuade and keep the attention of the reader.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human Resource - Selection methods in recruitment Essay

Human Resource - Selection methods in recruitment - Essay Example Thus, no matter how brilliant its managers, even the largest companies won’t last long without a competent workforce at its disposal. In this light, it should be easy to understand why so many employers, managers and HR personnel focus on recruitment and personnel selection. The two often go hand in hand, with Muchinsky (2012) defining personnel selection as the process by which individuals are hired and/or promoted. Selection systems are often used in this regard, and are aimed at assessing knowledge, skills, ability and other characteristics (KSAOs) possessed by applicants. Personality tests are also important. Bangerter et al (2011) notes that, all other factors being equal, the employees most ideal for an organization are those that share its goals and possess a personality type conducive to the environment of that organization. In short, personality tests would have the most utility in pinpointing those employees that possess the above characteristics. While their utility has been downplayed by Brian Amble (2007), not least because most tests have a caveat where applicants can simply fake their answers, it should be self-evident that, in the first place, personality tests are never meant to be used alone in the hiring process. Rather, it is when combined with other methods of selection, such as intelligence testing and interviews, that they become most effective. With what has been discussed so far, the manner in which these tests are intended to be used should be clear. While intelligence tests are meant to provide an accurate prediction of an employee’s ability to carry out his tasks, personality tests pinpoint his disposition as he goes about his duties, and his compatibility with the organization as a whole. Generally speaking, well-roundedness is the way to go here; employees who lack basic job competencies are not likely to be of much use, to the organization, while those extremely skilled at what they do, but are not very good with peo ple, may end up alienating customers they come into direct contact with. This particular paper, then, focuses on the use of personality tests and cognitive ability tests, otherwise known as IQ tests, and the importance of both to an organization’s success. IQ Tests As the term itself implies, an intelligence quotient or IQ test is a standardized test geared towards the assessment of intelligence. Modern tests often have the average score within a given age group set to 100, with standard deviation pegged at 15. Some argue that IQ is, in fact, inherited from one’s parents, but Johnson et al (2009) have yet to conclusively predict how likely this is to be the case. As noted in the preceding sections, the results of such tests have been found to have greater accuracy at predicting job performance as compared to one’s academic performance as a student. IQ is said to be in direct proportion with job performance (Henderson, 2007). Regardless of the particular job or t he work involved therein, those with higher IQ are said to be more competent at the tasks assigned to them. Additionally, people with higher IQ also have the potential to prosper in a wide variety of situations, and can be employed at most levels without much issue, in contrast to how people possessing IQ in the lower ranges are

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reflections on Connection of Chemistry to Franciscan Values Research Paper

Reflections on Connection of Chemistry to Franciscan Values - Research Paper Example In school, the value of transformation transcends what is merely physical for the necessitated change comes with spiritual maturity and accountability for others since our transforming thought and act affects not only our state of well-being but as well as our circle of influence within the society. It is, however, saddening to learn that in the modern world of the present, transformation rather bears with it a more physical meaning or something identified as chiefly material in nature. There widely exists, for instance, an extensive research on chemical substances and methods by which to reverse spontaneous reactions and defy aging thereafter yet the main underlying objective has been to improve the quality of commerce and trade for further acquisition of profits by prominent industries. Through recent discoveries in chemistry, majority of us have managed to obtain knowledge and experience of the latest in anti-aging technology and beauty phenomenon. As such, the market of chemical and pharmaceutical goods largely consist of items like BB creams, firming and lifting gels, reconstructing serums, whitening soaps and pills, and other skincare products or services coupled with attractive laser technologies that most people particularly the female population buy into. In the article â€Å"One Chemist’s Accidental Anti-Aging Discovery† by Nina Elias, the author expresses â€Å"What if there was a single naturally occurring ingredient that could fuel a plane, replace saturated fats in baked goods, and repair wrinkles?† Herein, she makes reference to the environment-friendly algae that addresses both health and beauty concerns and somehow, her illustration of the value of transformation coincides with the Franciscan’s insight into transformation with responsibility as the biotech company Solazyme, according to Elias, has come up with innovative solutions which ensure no hazardous impact toward the ecological surroundings. On the other hand, the cosmetic inventions presented via the brand Etude House exemplify a kind of transformation focused on the sole enhancement of external looks and which makes no sensible agreement to the Franciscan attribute of change which ought to include internal foundations of beauty. Moreover, the findings demonstrated in the article â€Å"Can This Drink Save Your Skin?† by Kiera Aaron, nevertheless, may be claimed credible compared to the aforementioned sources in being further responsible to convey the truth despite the product benefits. While Aaron’s composition recognizes the advantage of transformation with respect to drinking collagen, he criticizes the product by using perspectives of other specialists who performed cross-examination of it. Based on this picture, one must have observed the attitude of courage to reveal the truth besides regard for transformation which also constitutes a Franciscan principle. â€Å"Diversity†, as another Franciscan value of choice may be perceived in the flexibility of allowing student body to be variedly comprised of distinct socio-cultural backgrounds to serve the dynamic interest of globalization in helping youth from all over the world unite with each

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Electron Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Electron - Essay Example In this case, the government took responsibility of oversight, first through the ministry of finance (Thai 12). The ministry possesses the overall responsibility for procurement systems in the public sector, including the responsibility for monitoring the policy’s implementation, particularly regarding public expenditure and facilitation of a proper understanding of the governing documentation service-wide. In discharging its responsibilities, the finance ministry carries out routine investigation of operations or activities of various departments and institutions, as well as maintains a reporting system that contains information relating to contract awards and the governing documentation. Additionally, the government monitored and, when necessary, investigated at its discretion the awards and the implementation of all government contracts to ensure that they are impartially awarded (Thai 12). The government also ensures that the contract was awarded on a basis of merit and that its awarding or termination does not involve irregularity or impropriety. It further ensures that the contract’s implementation conforms to the conditions and terms set out. The contracting officer is charged with advising the awarding of the contract and, where applicable, a variation of government contracts. He also has access to records, books, property and stores belonging to the government. This is true for all premises and property where a government contract is either being executed or in the process of execution. If the contract had been awarded via a sealed bid process, the answer would have been different. This is because the process would have been more competitive and, consequently, the best bid would have won. Sealed bidding is fairer since the providers are not given a chance to appear more efficient or smarter than their competition. This could have happened during the tendering

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Development of American Science and Technology in the Eyes of Essay

The Development of American Science and Technology in the Eyes of Henry Adams - Essay Example Firstly, it will contextualize the historical developments that led to the zenith of American development. Secondly, it will discuss the monumental feats at the early years of the Gilded Age and the important industries and figure heads during that time. The Post-Civil War, the Reconstruction Period and President Grant Important developments in the American nation happened notably during the Presidency of Ulysses Grant in 1869, after the Civil War and the offset of the Reconstruction Era. The societal context of Adams’ life at that time was in a period of aggressive American territorial expansion to the West. By traversing the annals of American history during the post-Civil War and the height of the Reconstruction, the politics of the American federal government dictated the type of society that the nation had produced during those years. President Jackson was a hostile leader but more importantly, supportive of the idea of Southern reconstruction. He was willing to give the black race, formerly slaves of the white people, the equality and freedom they were demanding before and during the Civil War. Policies such as the Human Rights of 1865, the establishment of the Freedman’s Bureau and the emancipation of slaves with the eventual abolishment of the policy of slavery was the major political aura surrounding Adams during the 1850s and the 1860s.1 This meant that the society of Adams allowed the osmosis of both races - the whites and the clacks. Parallel with the developments in the political sphere of the United States, accompanying technological advancements had been enhanced at the entrance of President Grant’s administration. This was made possible through the seizure of the Southern plantations under the supervision of the American federal government. In this case, the predominant industrial states up North worked in hand with the agricultural aggregates of the South.2 The formerly debating economies of the North and the South had been complementing one another towards a definite linear development of what would turn out to be a strong American economy. Adams writes in his recollections that the United States at the late 19th century and the dawn of the early 20th century had been fully industrialized. Scientific and technological advancements were the turning points of the time.3 The rise of big businesses and the industrialization of the agricultural sector served the economy well. The United States had almost been immediately marked as one of the rising superpowers of the international scene.4 By analysing what Adams had written, it can be said that based on his words, a rich capitalist-oriented society was at its peak. By his experiences after the Civil War and with the subjugation of the South by the North, political stability went in favor for the Republican Party. In such case, Republican policies and the support of free labor was the basis of American economy.5 The Gilded Age and the Emergence of the Amer ican Oligarchy Adams’ recollection in the chapters â€Å"The Dynamo and the Virgin†, â€Å"The Height of Knowledge† and â€Å"The Grammar of Science†, the author infers the development of America with the entrance of the Gilded Age of politics and economy. Adams greatly details the happenings which surround

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Electric Jacket Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Electric Jacket - Essay Example Additionally, the product is relatively low priced implying that most people will need it. This product will be available in a number of retail stores, which include cloth stores and sporting goods store. Sportsmen and women regularly visit sporting goods store, where they will easily notice this product. Different teams and learning institutions also visit sport goods stores implying that this is a strategic location for distributing the product to a large number of targeted audience. The product will also be available in some leading cloth distributor stores. These stores are significant since the product will reach out to a large number of households. The Internet is one media through which a new product can reach a large number of customers within a short period. The internet will make it much easier in distributing the new products since customers will easily identify the locations and addresses of stores distributing the product. The internet will also benefit the company when distribution costs through intermediary stores are reduced. Some customers will also have opportunities to buy the product directly from the

Monday, September 23, 2019

How do (metaphysics and epistemology) affect ethics or values Essay

How do (metaphysics and epistemology) affect ethics or values - Essay Example In short, religious belief or knowledge has its roots in two separate and most probably different epistemological grounds and that is where the boundaries start. The connection between ethics and metaphysics or epistemology is essential and it has to exist. Without this connection, how can one define ethics in the first place? Ethics are some rules or guidelines on behaviors that are supposed to be named as ‘good’. Now epistemology would question, what is good? This can push us into a deeper hole where we have to question everything, even our own existence. For the sake of argument, let’s leave it to a preliminary definition of good as something which is opposite of evil or bad. Again, epistemology question would rise, why do ethics have to be good? And the answer lies in the fact that it leads to personal pleasure. This personal pleasure can be connected to immediate benefits in this reality knows as life or it could relate to benefits understood in the life after death. This notion of life after existence arrives from the premise that every living thing dies after a certain period of time and humans are nothing but a decaying organic matter which has an expiration date. This begs to question that there is nothing without purpose; rain, clouds, winds, animals, mountains, minerals, everything has a purpose, and then what is the purpose of a human life? This leads to various destinations like religion, heaven, hell and God. This idea that things should live up to their purpose or end has two aspects. The first ‘end’ is a means to fulfill some other purpose known in Aristotle’s terminology as instrumental end whereas the other end is the intrinsic end and is an end in itself, serving the purpose of its own existence. For instance if a carpenter builds a barrack for soldier, it’s purpose as a carpenter is over or he has found his end as a carpenter because he has done his job. But such an end

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Management - Essay Example Enron was a Fortune 500 company and was in #7 in 2001 was deleted from New York Stock Exchange. According to the mangers of Enron who reviewed the accounts of the company, during California energy crisis Enron has kept undisclosed reserves of up to $1.5 billion in trading profits. Enron came under fire from politicians of price gouging. The hidden reserves would have doubled the Enron's reported profits. It is also reported that Enron manipulated reports on reserves to have steady profit growth to Wall Street and credit rating agencies. The executives also claimed that the reserves were held back and used to fulfil the political and financial ends. In 1990 Enron reported its total revenue as $10 billion and in the next subsequent ten years it grew by $101 billion. It emerged as one of the fast growing companies in the United States. The main reasons for its collapse is not due to the core energy operations but the company's new ventures in dot com sector and investments Internet and communication business. According to investigators of the security of exchange commission gone into investigate the case, have interviewed witnesses to come to a conclusion that the methods or practices violated the laws for doctoring quarterly earning refers to start cookie jar reserves. The existence of Enron reserves puts strange twist to it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Htc Business Model Essay Example for Free

Htc Business Model Essay Executive summary Using Googles Andriod platform has given HTC a boost, but now the Taiwanese handset maker are vulnerable to underwhelming sales in America and Europe. Their hope? China. HTC only entered China in early 2010, much later than its established peers. It is playing catching up with international premium brands, such as Apple, Samsung and LG, where HTC is currently aiming to get a slice of the pie. However, the company is also facing stiff competition from local brands who operate at the lower price market. In this Global Marketing proposal, we propose several initiatives for HTC to grow its current 1% marketshare in the China mobile phone market, including new products for HTC to tap into the lower price market as well as localized promotion campaigns to sell phones in rural areas. It is time for HTC to sway away from satisfied with being quietly brilliant. Context analysis Company Background HTC Corporate, founded in 1997, was a relatively obscure Taiwanese original design manufacturer (ODM). Incorporated as High Technology Computer, HTC focused on manufacturing of computer notebooks. The company created the worlds first pocket size PC in collaboration with Microsoft in 1998[1]; it later developed the iPAQ, one of the earliest PDA for Compaq in 2000. HTCs close tie with Microsoft led them to develop XDA[2] in 2002, first ever smartphone operated on Windows. The company remained true to ODM principles when it produced smartphones by efficiently catering for carriers specifications and requests. HTCs ODM smartphones continued to generate profit margin as high as 20% compared to industry average of 5%[3]. According to Harvard Business Review, HTC shipped more than 70% of the worlds Windows smartphones in 2006 at its peak. HTC won a reputation for excellent smartphones. But it wanted more, and began to invest more in innovation before eventually creating its own brand in 2007. HTC set up a unit called Magic Labs[4], where engineers from various disciplines come up with lots of ideas, even if most were quickly discarded. From this unit bred several ground breaking ideas, including HTC touch, a touch screen device that appeared few weeks before Apples first iPhone; and first ever Android phone in collaboration with Google. Reaping from the Androids high penetration rate, the company experienced unprecedented growth from 2008 onwards and became the top seller of smartphones in America in 3Q of 2011, according to Canalys Research. HTC has recently eclipsed Nokia in market capacity and has climbed up to the no.3 spot for smartphones sold worldwide, behind Apple and Samsung. In terms of brand equity, the company has invested heavily in developing its own brand and broke into Interbrands top 100 Brands 2011[5] (no. 98) . China: Macro-environmental Factors Politics China remained a single party directed country since the founding of Peoples Republic of China in October 1949. Putting political ideologies differences aside, efficient decision-making is widely seen as a characteristic of Chinas political system. The profound changes that have taken place in various fields of this nation: from Deng Xiapings Special Economic Zone in the 80s to the economic leaps in the turn of the century. Inefficiencies in the political system such as corruption still exist today, but Chinas communist party has taken bold steps for reform. The party has embraced market socialist economy to lead China out of poverty and soar to one of the most powerful nations in the world. Economic Despite China has mounted new heights in her economy, outshining Japan as the second largest economy in the world, the slowdown in economic growth has not abated. The housing boom in the past decade is now over, implying that growth now weigh on heavy industry and local consumption. In the past, China has offered massive infrastructure stimulus, as it did to prop up growth following SARS and the global financial crisis. However, local governments have learned not to overheat the economy, as evidenced by the late 2011 credit crunch in Wenzhou[6]. Central government is expecting a moderate GDP growth of 6%, but China is due for correction in its property and possibly stock market. Social Chinas Communist Party maintained its strong foothold in the nation, as the country enjoyed a period of unprecedented prosperity in the past decade. As Chinas economy take flight, the number of local billionaires and millionaires grew by leaps and bounds. The wealth gap, at the same time, widened drastically. As a consequence, there have been several localized pro-democracy campaigns since 2011. Termed Jasmine revolution, citizens used social network site such as microblogs to organize public protests demanding fairness, housing and food – social issues that are often overlooked during economic boom. Such unrests were quickly put to rest as Beijing aims to mitigate any form of dissidents since learning the hard lessons from Tiananmen protests in 1989. Other than localized protests and occasional controversy in human rights, Chinas social order have been maintained. Technology China has sparked its technological boom since it gained accession to the world trade organization in 2001. Internally, China has developed a matured internet market which now boost one of the largest internet users in the world. In mobile phones, the market evidenced a dynamic growth due to the rapid development of mobile subscriptions and growing third-generation (3G) networks. China: Smartphone Market Industry analysis After Chinas telecommunications operators acquired 3G licenses, they formed several strategic alliances with mobile phone brands. For example, China Unicom has established alliances with Apples iPhone and Lenovos LePhone, whilst Motorola and HTC and strategic partners with China Telecom. Customer analysis According to government statistics in 2012, China has become to first country to top 1 billionThe cell phone users, a soar from 2010s 787 million users. The number of users is equivalent to 74% of Chinas population. That being said, only 14% of users are 3G users. Mobile phones are seen as a necessity, as customers regularly use phones for texting and micro-blogging. Competitor analysis Mobile phones are relatively consolidated in China, with the top five brands deriving nearly 72% of total retail volume stales in 2010[7]. Top five brands are Nokia (34.2%) , Samsung (18.1%), LG (6.8%), ZTE (6.3%) and Huawei (6.3%). Apple (1.4%) and HTC (0.7%) are late boomers in the market, with both companies having entered China in 2009 and 2010 respectively. According to market research by Canalys[8], international brands such as Samsung, Apple and HTC should continue to dominate in the space above RMB2,500 (US$400). Leading local tier-one brands, such as Huawei and ZTE, are diversifying beyond the entry level by launching a number of high-profile, flagship smart phones. As of late, Lenovo has made efforts to penetrate the low cost, rural market by introducing models starting from RMB700 (US$158). Company Analysis HTC in China HTC only entered China in 2009 and occupied a market share below 1% as of figures in 2010. Its strategy is to challenge Samsung and Apple as the biggest smartphone players in Mainland, but it also faces stiff competition from local brands such as Tianyu and ZTE Despite its geographic proximity in Taiwan, HTC started off late in China than in richer parts of the world largely because the countrys 3G structure was not as matured in 2009 as today. Targeting Positioning HTCs mission statement is â€Å"to become the leading innovative supplier of mobile information and communication devices by providing value-added design, world class manufacturing and logistic and service capabilities.† Whilst this may have been a successful formula over the past 10 years in geographic location, HTC is in danger of falling behind competitors in China. HTC currently has 10% of the market for smartphones costing more than RMB2,000 (US$320). Its strategy is to target those high-end customers who utilizes 3G network and appreciates international brand. As if HTCs Magic Lab works tirelessly to come up with numerous innovative products, HTC currently adopts a similar volume approach in its phones. HTC regularly pushes forward phones in the market. In 2011, when Apple had launched one new iPhone, HTC introduced fifteen new models. HTCs Challenge After a meteoric rise which placed it briefly atop the U.S. smartphone sales charts, HTC revenue as a whole in the first two months of 2012 was a staggering 45% down on last year. HTC has run afoul of punitive legal juggernaut Apple, which delayed the availability of HTCs handsets. Determined to avoid the fate looming over troubled rivals like Research in Motion, HTC saw a big revitalization push in China, championed by several flagship phones such as HTC One X and Evo 4G Lite. Sales in Europe have been dropping but HTC saw better than expected revenue in China. The rise of HTC in China despite its late entry could be partially attributed to their advanced operating systems with Android and excellent hardware, such as dual core processing units and friendly features where the phone rings louder when in a bag. But with competitors catching up hardware specifications overnight these days, can HTC sustain its China growth? The challenge of HTC faces is not neither simply in hardware nor software. HTC needs to formulate a marketing and branding strategy for China, as to fend off the fierce challenge by international brands (Apple, Samsung) and local players. Proposed Marketing Campaign For the proposed marketing campaign, we propose a bi-polar approach to target existing high-end customers of HTCs and also tap into the basic customers specturum, an area HTC has not entered so far. High-end customers HTC is currently focusing on high-end customers who are tech savvy, able and willing to pay for premium mobile phones. These high-end customers are currently up and coming professionals, live a fast moving lifestyle and mostly reside or work in first or second tier cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xi Chuan. All of these customers have subscribed or are going to subscribe 3G network, in order to make the most of out HTCs smartphones. In addition to product quality and operating system, high-end customers nowadays also care about brand reputation and image. The proposed marketing campaign for HTCs high-end customers is therefore to enrich the brand experience and differentiate HTCs personality. Basic customers As mentioned earlier, 3G users accounts to less than 20% of Chinas mobile phones market. According to market analysis, local players, best represented by ZTE and Huawei, are more popular amongst price sensitive mass and lower-end customers. These basic customers reside in third tier cities or rural areas, demand basic functions for their phones and also aspires to own a smartphone one day. Product Designers collaborations are nothing new. Indeed, they are now a well-established marketing tool – as well as source of income. Standard Hotel Group in America has joined forces with the likes of surfwear brand Quiksilver to provide exclusive trunks and bikinis that guests can purchase in the groups resorts. HM, the Swedish fashion behemoth, took rise after asking Karl Lagerfeld, designer for Chanel and owner of Fendi, to come up with a special collection back in 2004. For mobile phones,it is no different story. RIM collaborated with Porsche design and launched a high-end luxurious blackberry in 2011. LG and Prada started working together in 2006[9] and continued to attract fashionistas for their crossover phones. For high-end customers, HTC should leverage connection with a renowned brand within the Chinese community and produce collaborate products. Nike would deem to be an appropriate choice, given the brand is held in high regards among Chinese and its innovative brand image aligns with that of HTCs. Nevertheless, Nike has strong connection with Apple as Nike currently produces Nike+ a tracking device that connects an athletes performance data with iPhones, iPods etc. If there is a brand for up-and-coming professionals which matches HTCs pricing and targeting strategy, Adidas would be a great fit. Rather than choosing a luxury brand such as LVMH or Gucci, a partnership with Adidas could not only appeal to the sports lovers, but also be perceived as socially acceptable. Partnering with luxurious goods might risk further alienation as the wealth gap widens in China. Adidas is actively investing on its mi adidas platform that rivals Nike+. The sports company enjoys a good reputation in China after sponsoring Team China in Beijing Olympics, and its innovative roots in products and designs could enrich the HTC brand experience. For basic customers, HTC could build 2G or even very basic 3G phones to attract the mass. With much reduced functionality and a lower price point, HTC could attract the 80% users who have not yet subscribe to 3G network. While the simpler handsets should have less fancy functions, embodying the HTC names mean that that the phones should still be innovative. HTC could be more localize with these phones by having local functions such as Chinese keyboard and improved durability that adapts to environment in rural areas. Perhaps basic phones could have a brighter screen for users to view the screen easily in open rural areas, or made in anti-sand materials as desertification is common in northwest China. Aside from hardware reengineering, HTC needs to redesign its software capabilities. HTC is relatively weak in content when compared to rivals such as Apple. It has no plans to launch its own app store, preferring instead to reply on Android marketplace and its apps. HTC acquired French content provider Abaxia in June 2010[10] to develop innovative apps for its devices. Recently, it has installed digital map apps in HTC Sense interface. Currently, there is a market gap in smartphone manufacturer originated apps in China. Almost all of the apps available on Android/iPhone system are developed by individual software company. HTC could potentially develop operating system with apps linked to popular Chinese social media sites, such as QQ and Sinas Microblog. Price HTC should continue to target upper tier price points for its high end customers. Its currently price point closely resembles Apples and Samsungs, averaging around RMB2,500 (US$400). The high price setting strategy further illustrates HTCs ambition to compete with the international brands but the company could consider undercutting its price by a fraction, say less than 10%, than the leaders so as to gain stronger market share. Price reduction should not be advertised aggressively, as it might signal a loss in quality. For products in the lower end market, HTC should try to be a price leader in the arena. Lenovo markets its cheaper line of phones around RMB700, and HTC should try to undercut Lenovo. It is important to capture the basic customers first, with the hope that HTC could persuade basic users to switch to more expensive phones over time. Place According to Economists, HTC now as 2,300 authorized retailers in China. Apple has 3,500 – not withstanding its flagship Apple store and website – while Nokia and Samsung have 9,000 each. HTC could open more shops by granting authorized retailers license, but it is easier said than done as brands jostle retailers for shelf spaces. Rather than investing heavily in opening its own shop, HTC could form a strategic partnership with popular online shop Taobao or Alibaba to reach customers in the second or third tier cities to compliment its e-shop. Further place promotion could been referred in HTC ambassador campaign in People section. In first tier cities, HTC could theoretically leverage on Adidass store presence and distribution network. Nonetheless, HTC should adopt a selective approach by opening flagship store that can illustrates its customer experience. Promotion In HTCs incumbent global marketing campaign, the company slogan is quietly brilliant. HTC commercials do not focus on the precise functionality of their handsets but the way people use them. The concept itself is intuitive, but the campaign is not as much advertised in China as other places – the slogan does not even has a Chinese translation. As a result, HTCs promotion in China is product focused. HTC One X advertisements were filmed where a photographer takes pictures with HTC phone while skydiving – stressing the superior camera quality of the handset. To revamp the promotion campaign, HTC should first come up with a better slogan for China or even for its global campaign. Stressing on the way people interact with HTC cell phones is a good idea, but conceptually the slogan could be more straight forward – Nokias connecting people or LGs life is good are good examples. For China specifically, HTC needs to build on build on enriching users experience. Yan Siqing, chief operating officer of China Telecom said HTC grew rapidly despite its late start because it provided a â€Å"good user experience†. Nationwide promotion campaign should focuses on how HTC helps people to capture their moments in life. Whether is at work, in sporting moments or vacation, a user-friendly HTC handset is always there to make things happen. People Simliar to Unilevers â€Å"Shakti Revolution† to help women in rural India to become entrepreneurs[11], HTC could foster partnership with non governmental organisations, banks and local counties, to promote handsets at rural areas through employing HTC ambassadors. Ambassadors are underpriviledged residents in country sides and they are invited to become direct-to-consumer sales distributors for HTCs basic handsets for second or third tier cities. Contrary to normal mom-and-pop shops, HTC should provide training in selling, commercial knowledge and bookkeeping to help ambassadors become micro-entrepreneurs. This proposal could not only expand HTCs reach in the lower tier markets, but also been seen as a socially responsible act of goodwill. [1]Kim R. Yoffie D., HTC Corp. in 1999, 8th Dec 2009, Harvard Business Review [2]Sourced online: [3]Kim R. Yoffie D., HTC Corp. in 1999, 8th Dec 2009, Harvard Business Review [4]HTC: The brand from no where; The Economist, 7th Apr 2012, sourced online from [5] [6]Wolfe A, Gurushina N Gassambe I, China Outlook: The Tao of Hard Landing, 28 May 2012, Roubini Global Economics Report [7]Mobile Phones in China, Category Briefing, 19 Sep 2011; Passport GMID [8] [9] [10] [11]

Friday, September 20, 2019

DNA Transformation in Bacteria

DNA Transformation in Bacteria 1.0 Introduction and Objectives The ability of bacteria to incorporate DNA from external sources is the primary reason for their survival and proliferation. Bacteria can take DNA from their surroundings or from other bacterial cells by cell wall-transfer. While an interesting phenomenon to examine for scientists, practically it is of great concern for the human race and a source of constant challenge for the Pharmaceutical Industry. The ability of bacteria to modify their genetic information has given rise to problems such as antibiotic resistance wherein bacteria become resistant to medications that were once effective in eliminating them. In this experiment, we examine the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Circular DNA called plasmids are introduced in bacteria whose cells have been modified to promote uptake of plasmid DNA. This plasmid DNA will give rise to antibiotic resistance in the bacteria, which can be observed by allowing the bacteria to proliferate in an environment containing the antibi otic. Modification of genetic information in bacteria may be a source of concern, but that ability in the hands of humans has always been coveted. Genetic engineering is an increasingly popular research area given the breakthroughs made in recent years and the potential for commercial application. Various applications require large quantities of specific DNA sequences and this is where the bacterial ability to uptake DNA and reproduce it is beneficial. Introducing plasmids containing desired sequences into bacteria, allowing bacteria to reproduce and then isolating the required DNA is a common method used to obtain large quantities of particular DNA sequences. This aspect is also explored in this experiment. 1.1 Objectives The objectives of this experiment are to: a) Observe and examine the phenomenon of DNA Transformation. b) Observe the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria through the process of gene transformation. c) Inculcate proper Sterile Technique for laboratory procedures involving bacterial strains. 2.0 Principles This section explores the underlying concept behind the experiment. Genetic Transformation is a process of horizontal gene transfer whereby DNA from the environment is taken up by a host cell. In this experiment bacterial cells are transformed. Escherichia Coli bacteria, which are generally non pathogenic are used in this experiment. The plasmids which constitute the external DNA contain a gene that makes the cell ampicillin resistant. Ampicillin is a bacteriostatic and will normally prevent the reproduction of E. Coli bacteria. This provides us with an easy way to test if gene transformation has occurred and to what extent by means of calculating the transformation efficiency. The introduction of genetic material within the bacterial cell is done by the process of electroporation. Electroporation involves applying an electrical voltage across the bacterial cells containing the plasmids. The ionic concentration of the DNA is kept low to prevent arcing. When the voltage is applied, holes open up in the walls of the bacteria. The plasmids can then enter the bacterial cells through these holes. Application of the voltage is done for a very short period of time. As soon as electric current stops flowing, the holes in the cell wall begin to close. A nutrient rich medium is then added to the bacterial cells, some of which will have transformed, to aid cell recovery. Incubation is then carried out, after which the cell suspension is diluted further and applied to agar plates containing the antibiotic. The cells are left to incubate for up to 24 hours and then the number of colonies determined. Calculating the transformation efficiency gives us a method to determine the extent to which the transformation occurred. 3.0 Methods and Materials 3.1 Materials The equipment and materials required for this experiment are outlined in this section. Equipment Required: A shaking incubator operating at 37ÃÅ'Ã…  C A non-shaking incubator An electroporator Materials Required: Cells treated for competency 2 agar plates with ampicillin with a concentration of 100 Â µg/ml pUC-19 plasmids 0.1 cm cuvettes Ice in an ice-box Deionised ultrapure water S.O.C. medium at room temperature 2 tubes with snap caps with a volume of 15 ml 3.2 Sterile Technique Sterile Technique is a must when handling pathogenic strains of bacteria. In this experiment, nonpathogenic bacterial strains are employed. However, using sterile technique is still good experimental procedure and promotes safety. Using sterile technique prevents errors in experimental results by preventing contamination from the surroundings. It also prevents contamination of the surrounding environment by the bacterial strain. Steps employed to prevent contamination included: Carrying out the experiment in an uncluttered area. Utilizing a fume hood to perform all procedures involving the bacteria. Washing hands both before as well as after the experiment Disposing off all bacterial waste in the appropriate container for bio-hazardous materials. 3.3 Procedure 3.3.1 Preparation for Electroporation The 0.1 cm cuvettes were cooled on ice. The electroporator was prepared based on prescribed settings. In order to bring the S.O.C. medium to room temperature, it was removed from the ice box. The cells and plasmids were allowed to thaw in the ice-box. Plates were heated at 37ÃÅ'Ã…  C to prepare for the incubation process. 3.3.2 Procedures I Â µl of pUC19 control DNA and 1 Â µl of ultrapure water were added to 2 separate microcentrifuge tubes with the aid of a pipette. The tube was then placed in the ice-box. 25 Â µl of competent cells were added to each of the microcentrifuge tubes. The contents of the tubes were gently mixed. Care was taken to avoid usage of the pipette for mixing. The tubes were then returned to the ice-box for 1 minute. The contents of each microcentrifuge tube were transferred to a cuvette using a pipette. It was ensured that the cells made contact with the cuvette walls and that no air-bubbles were present. This step was done rapidly to prevent heating up of the cells. The cuvettes were then electroporated. 250 Â µl of S.O.C. medium was added to the cells immediately after electroporation. Each of the two suspensions was transferred to a 15 ml tube. The shaking incubator was then set to 225rpm and used to incubate the cells for an hour to allow expression of the acquired antibiotic resistance. 10 Â µl of the transformed sample was then added to 90 Â µl of S.O.C. medium. The plates containing the ampicillin were then used. 20 Â µl of each of the two diluted samples from step 7 was added to a plate. Even spreading of the sample on the agar medium was ensured. Using the non-shaking incubator, the plates were incubated at 37 ÃÅ'Ã…  C for a day and the results recorded. 4.0 Results and Discussion 4.1 Results Answers to Questions (1) Schematic of observations of the agar plates: Figure 1: Results as Indicated by the Agar Plates (2) Count the colonies and calculate the transformation efficiency. Number of colonies observed = 13 Figure 2: Calculation of Transformation Efficiency Using the formula shown in figure 2, Transformation efficiency = 1.78 1010 transformants/Â µg plasmid DNA 4.2 Discussion Answers to Questions (1) Define the vocabulary used in this experiment: transformation, electroporation, host, plasmid, and competent. -Transformation Transformation is a process of horizontal gene transfer whereby DNA present in the environment of a cell is taken up by the cell. In this experiment the transformation involves the uptake of a plasmid containing a marker that results in ampicillin resistance by E. Coli bacteria through electroporation. -Electroporation Electroporation involves subjecting cells to an electric voltage to create holes in the cell wall. External material can then enter the cell through these holes. Natural processes then cause the hole to close and return the cell to its original state. -Host An organism that harbours a parasite is called a host. -Plasmid A plasmid is circular extra-chromosomal DNA. -Competent A competent cell is one which can internalise DNA present in its external environment. Competence can either be natural or artificial. (2) State why E. coli is used in many genetic engineering experiments. The popularity of Escherichia Coli for genetic experiments is due to various reasons. Firstly, most E. Coli strains are non-pathogenic and pose no harm to humans. Safety is a significant factor in the laboratory and E. Coli use is generally safe. Secondly, E. Coli grow easily and can be duplicated through metagenics. Thirdly, their genetic make-up is relatively simple and can be manipulated with ease. Fourthly they have been extensively studied and a lot is known about them. This makes it easier for researchers and they therefore prefer to use E. Coli for genetic engineering experiments. (3) Explain why competent cells, ampicillin, and S.O.C. medium were used for the transformation. Competent cells are necessary as transformation involves taking external genetic material into the cell. If cells are not competent this cannot happen and the experiment cannot be carried out successfully. Ampicillin is an antibiotic. Specifically, it is a bacteriostatic for E. Coli. It helps distinguish between bacteria that have taken up the plasmid and those that have not. This is because the plasmid contains a marker that causes ampicillin resistance. E. Coli cells do not naturally contain the genetic sequence that causes ampicillin resistance. Thus, ampicillin selection is possible to distinguish between transformed cells and untransformed cells. S.O.C. medium contains the nutrients required to help cells stabilise after electroporation. Electroporation introduces holes into the cell wall of the cell and therefore causes destabilisation of the cell. S.O.C medium contains yeast extract and other nutrient sources that help the cell recover. Once the cell has recovered and if the plasmid has entered the cell during electroporation, the cell will multiply and give rise to a colony during the incubation period. (4) Explain the purpose of the controls in this experiment. The control in this experiment constitutes bacteria without the plasmid that inculcates antibiotic resistance. Without this extra piece of genetic information to enable the bacteria to mount defences against the attack of the antibiotic, ampicillin is this case, the bacterial cells will be unable to multiply in a medium that contains the antibiotic. The cells that were treated such that they could incorporate the plasmid DNA into their genetic make-up will be able to multiply in a medium where ampicillin is present as long as there are enough nutrients available for growth. Thus, the control helps us show that the DNA plasmid was indeed taken up and incorporated into their genetic make-up by the bacteria. The only way for E. coli to have survived with ampicillin present is if they had taken up the plasmid and transmitted it to all generations when they reproduced after uptake of the plasmid. Hence, the control serves to confirm uptake of the plasmid as well as its transmission to fol lowing generations by comparing it to cells in the control that did not have the extra DNA. (5) Explain how the colony growth relates to gene transformation. A colony of bacteria stems from the binary fission of one single bacterial cell. When bacteria reproduce vertical genetic transfer occurs whereby the offspring has the exact copy of the genetic material of the parent. In this experiment, bacteria are introduced into a medium containing the antibiotic ampicillin. E. Coli bacteria with their original genetic make-up will be unable to reproduce due to the presence of the antibiotic as they do not have the means necessary to resist antibiotic attack. This is what is expected in the control sample as ampicillin is a bacteriostatic.. The positive sample on the other hand has bacteria which have undergone horizontal gene transfer by transformation. The plasmid DNA that was used for the transformation process contains genetic code that results in E.Coli developing ampicillin resistance. Thus, bacteria that can incorporate this plasmid and pass it on to their offspring by vertical gene transfer can grow in the environment. This is how colony growth relates to gene transformation. (6) Describe how ionic strength of DNA solution affects electroporation. The ionic strength of DNA solution comes into play due to the electroporation stage where holes are created in the bacterial cell wall to allow uptake of the plasmid by transmission of an electric voltage. For this step, the ionic strength of the solution must be low. If the ionic strength is high, arcing will occur. Arcing is visible during the experiment by sparks and a sound like a micro-scale thunderclap. It can cause cell death as well as equipment damage. Thus, for the experiment to be carried out successfully and to safeguard the apparatus, the DNA solution must be of low ionic strength. (7) If your transformation efficiency is lower than 1 109 cfu/ÃŽ ¼g, conjecture and explain potential reasons for the low efficiency. The transformation efficiency is greater than the benchmark stated above. This corresponds to good transformation efficiency and indicates a successful transformation process. However, the close clustering of the colonies makes it possible that some of the colonies are satellite colonies rather than transformed colonies. The experiment could be repeated with a higher concentration of ampicillin to obtain more reliable results. (8) Discuss current and potential applications of gene transformation techniques in biotechnology. Gene transformation techniques play a crucial role in biotechnology. This is because gene transformation provides a method to produce copies of desired DNA sequences. This is especially useful in the pharmaceutical industry to develop medications that are target specific. Also, this could potentially lead the way to genetic engineering, where defects to the genetic code could be repaired and desired traits inserted through addition of the corresponding DNA sequences. Gene replacement therapy could prove to be the cure for nearly all diseases that take human lives contemporarily. In the future gene transformation could be used to engineer human beings and other animals and plants according to desired specifications. Genetic transformation is also used in the development of pest-resistant crops, which could potentially increase the productivity of the land. This could be key to feed the ever-growing population as the quantity of agricultural land decreases. Understanding the evolution of drug resistance could help us devise ways of preventing drug resistance as well as developing drugs that can overcome resistance. In this arena gene transformation plays an important role horizontal genetic transfer is a natural process in bacteria. 4.3 Sources of Error and Suggestions for Improvement There are a few sources of error that could result in incorrect conclusion being drawn from experimental results. (i) The number of colonies seen need not correspond to the bacteria that transformed. This could be due to the growth of satellite colonies. Large bacterial colonies will secrete beta lactamase, which is what causes ampicillin resistance. Thus, the area around the colony will contain this secretion and be ampicillin-free. A satellite colony could grow in this area from untransformed cells. To avoid this problem, the incubation period should strictly be restricted to 24 hours. Satellite colonies emerge after a delay. By ensuring that results arr recorded promptly, the interference in results brought about by satellite colonies can be minimised. Another method is to use a higher concentration of ampicillin. More time will be required to create a antibiotic-free zone around a colony if the concentration of antibiotic is high. (ii) Identifying the number of colonies can be difficult, especially if the size of the colony is miniscule. This could result in an incorrect calculation of transformation efficiency. In order to increase accuracy of results, a different selection marker can be used. Some selection markers have properties that can be distinguished by shining UV light and other such techniques which result in a high contrast. Using these markers may result in higher reliability of results. (iii) Distinguishing between colonies can be difficult if they grow close to one another and appear to be one large colony. Also, closer colonies would also result in a higher chance of there being satellite colonies. To minimise this problem, crowding on the plate must be minimised. For that, a higher concentration of ampicillin could be used, carbenicillin selection could be used instead of ampicillin selection (although expensive) or the nutrient dilution could be adjusted such that it discourages very rapid proliferation. 5.0 Conclusions The objectives of this experiment were to explore the phenomenon of gene transformation and the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria as well as to inculcate the practice of sterile technique for handling bacteria. Gene transformation was observed with the development of ampicillin resistance in transformed Escherichia Coli bacteria. The bacteria not exposed to the plasmids containing the genes for antibiotic resistance did not grow in an environment containing the antibiotic while the transformed bacteria formed colonies in the same environment. A calculation of transformation efficiency returned a value of 1.78 1010 transformants/Â µg of plasmid DNA, which is greater than the threshold of 109, indicative of a successful experiment. However, the possibility of some of the 13 colonies of bacteria being satellite colonies as opposed to transformed colonies reduces the reliability of the results. Methods to increase reliability of results were therefore suggested. References 1. Port, Tami. (2008, June 14). Bacteria Horizontal Gene Transfer. Retrieved 3rd April, 2010 from 2. Metzenberg, Stan. (2002). Bacterial Plasmids. California State University Northridge Department of Biology. Retrieved 4th April, 2010 from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sanfoins Future in Wyoming :: Sanfoin Wyoming Farming Environment Essays

Sanfoin's Future in Wyoming Sainfoin, Onobrychis viciifolia is a perennial forage legume that is native to Mediterranean regions around the Black and Caspain Seas and north into Russia. Sainfoin leaves are oddly pinnate with 13-21 leaflets per leaf and produce an erect flower pink to rose in color. Sainfoin has been introduced into many other countries including Iran, Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Soviet Union, Poland, Norway and the United Kingdom. It is known that sainfoin has been grown in Europe for the past 450 years. New varieties of sainfoin such as ‘Eski’, ‘Remont’, ‘Renumex’, ‘Melrose’, and ‘Nova’ have been developed and introduced into the United States and Canada starting in the 1950s. (Gray, 2004, p. 2) Sainfoin is a non-bloating legume that has nitrogen fixation capabilities and can be used in a forage mixture. Sainfoin also is extremely palatable and nutritious for all classes of livestock and wildlife. Livestock actually prefer sainfoin even when other plants species are readily available. Other uses include wildlife habitat restoration, wildlife food plots or as a legume component in the conservation reserve program (CRP). Sainfoin is often compared to alfalfa based on its nitrogen fixation, forage capabilities, and nutritional value. The main advantages of sainfoin are the earlier maturation rate, non-bloating qualities, resistance to the alfalfa weevil and higher digestible nutrients when compared to alfalfa. Another important advantage over alfalfa is that sainfoin is resistant to the root rot phase. The earlier maturation allows for earlier spring forage for grazing and hay cutting which is beneficial to livestock operations (Gray, 2004, p. 2). Sainfoin is primarily used as a hay or pasture crop and has many characteristics beneficial to farming and ranching operations in the western states such as Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Montana and New Mexico where annual precipitation in generally low. Sainfoin is very drought resistant and does better in cold soils than alfalfa (Stannard, M). It is also shown that sainfoin thrives in soils with a pH 7.0 to 8.0 that are too dry for clover and alfalfa. Sainfoin is longer lived in dryland applications opposed to irrigated land but generally needs re-seeding every five to six years. Another interesting positive side-affect about sainfoin is the relationship it shares with honey and leaf cutting bees. The large pink flower attracts these insects and on top of producing large amounts of high quality honey, the sainfoin showed increased seed production when the bees were present.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Edgar Degas and his influence on the art of Mary Cassatt Essay

Mary Stevenson Cassatt's Miss Mary Ellison (1880) and Edgar-Hilaire-Germain Degas's Mademoiselle Malo (1877) are two paintings that, when compared and contrasted, shows numbers of influences that Degas had on Mary Cassatt's art. Both of these paintings are portraits done in tbe standard  ¾ point of view. Even at a mere glance, it is easy to see the striking similarities between the two portraits. It is not too farfetched to assume that Degas had a lot of influence on Mary Cassatt's work because it is known that he was one of her biggest inspirations (Wallis, 14). Furthermore, even within the Impressionist group the bond that Degas and Cassatt shared was an important one to her, since she looked up to him as a model artist (Englemann, 80). Mary Cassatt was born in Philadelphia to Robert Simpson Cassatt and Katherine Johnston Cassatt in1844 (Mathews, 9). Her father was a wealthy banker and her mother was well-educated and spoke french fluently (Wallis,14). They were both part of the upper circles of the Pittsburg Society (Mathews ,9). As such, they had a vested interest in providing their children with the best of educational and cultural experiences (Mathews, 9) Cassatt's interest in art, seems to originate from a 5 year sojourn that the family took in 1851 (Wallis, 14). Although only a mere child at the time, it seems the expatriate life appealed the young Cassatt; furthermore, the sights she saw must have deeply affected her because she would soon return to the life abroad (Mathews,9) As a teenager she studied art privately and later as an adult she attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine arts (Wallis, 14). She was able to practice art and complete her studies with the support of her father's finances. Alt hough he d... ...ferent continent, the paths of Edgar Degas and Mary Cassatt intertwined much. In her second stay in Europe as an expatriate, Degas took his role as her guide and mentor. She, having been inspired and motivated by Degas's work â€Å"accepted with delight† (Wallis, 14). Degas took an active role in encouraging her and inspiring her, he often worked with her and alongside with her, and sometimes he even helped her with the artwork; such was the case with Little Girl in a blue armchair, Degas worked on the background. (Mathews, 45). The two had a long professional relationship that survived all the way until Degas's death and even in his death â€Å"she revered him as an artist† (Mathews, 45). Since Degas was her mentor and guide, it is expected that he had influenced her art, and he did. However, it is surprising that he begun influencing her art, even before the two ever met.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Salvador Dali :: essays research papers

Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904. He was a leader in the new movement of art in the early 20th century called Surrealism. In 1921 Dali studied at the San Fernando Acadamy of Fine Arts in Madrid. Here he was able to associate and learn from such Spanish modernists as Fedrico Garcia Lorca, and Luis Bundel. He also was influenced by Italian futurists and the metaphysical paintings of Giorgio de Chirico. In his early works, however, Dali gave credit to his own Catalan sense of fantasy and his megalomania as being his true motivating forces. Dali left the San Fernando Acadamy of Fine Arts in 1926, and move to Paris where he frequented the Cafe Cyrano, which was the ÒheadquartersÓ of the Parisan surrealists. In 1929 Cafe Cyrano featured an exhibit of DaliÕs own surrealist paintings. Dali was also fascinated with the writings of psychologist Sigmund Freud. He was so moved by FruedÕs theory that he subsequently vowed to his lifeÕs ambition to Òsystemize confusionÓ. Dali is best known for his surrealist works. Surrealism is an art style in which imagery is based on fantasy and the world of dreams. It is thought have grown out of the French literary movement in the 1920Õs and has itÕs roots in Dadaism. These painters developed a dreamlike, or hallucinatory, imagery that was all the more startling for its highly realistic rendering. Some of DaliÕs better known paintings are: ÒPersistence Of MemoryÓ also know popularly as ÒSoft WatchesÓ (1931), and ÒThe Sacrament Of The Last SupperÓ (1955). These Paintings have become part of the definitive record of 20th Century art. Dali used many mediums to illustrate his inspirations. His most popular of course are his paintings, but he also used such media as jewelry, advertisements, beer-bottle designs, ballet sets, and costumes. Dali also experimented his talents in film as well. In 1928 he and childhood mentor Luis Bundel produced the famous surrealist film ÒUn Chein AndalouÓ (An Salvador Dali :: essays research papers Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904. He was a leader in the new movement of art in the early 20th century called Surrealism. In 1921 Dali studied at the San Fernando Acadamy of Fine Arts in Madrid. Here he was able to associate and learn from such Spanish modernists as Fedrico Garcia Lorca, and Luis Bundel. He also was influenced by Italian futurists and the metaphysical paintings of Giorgio de Chirico. In his early works, however, Dali gave credit to his own Catalan sense of fantasy and his megalomania as being his true motivating forces. Dali left the San Fernando Acadamy of Fine Arts in 1926, and move to Paris where he frequented the Cafe Cyrano, which was the ÒheadquartersÓ of the Parisan surrealists. In 1929 Cafe Cyrano featured an exhibit of DaliÕs own surrealist paintings. Dali was also fascinated with the writings of psychologist Sigmund Freud. He was so moved by FruedÕs theory that he subsequently vowed to his lifeÕs ambition to Òsystemize confusionÓ. Dali is best known for his surrealist works. Surrealism is an art style in which imagery is based on fantasy and the world of dreams. It is thought have grown out of the French literary movement in the 1920Õs and has itÕs roots in Dadaism. These painters developed a dreamlike, or hallucinatory, imagery that was all the more startling for its highly realistic rendering. Some of DaliÕs better known paintings are: ÒPersistence Of MemoryÓ also know popularly as ÒSoft WatchesÓ (1931), and ÒThe Sacrament Of The Last SupperÓ (1955). These Paintings have become part of the definitive record of 20th Century art. Dali used many mediums to illustrate his inspirations. His most popular of course are his paintings, but he also used such media as jewelry, advertisements, beer-bottle designs, ballet sets, and costumes. Dali also experimented his talents in film as well. In 1928 he and childhood mentor Luis Bundel produced the famous surrealist film ÒUn Chein AndalouÓ (An

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mending Wall Commentary Essay

Robert Frost’s Narrative poem, â€Å"Mending Wall† is a light-hearted yet tense depiction of opposing views that brings together two different people. Written in blank verse with simple structure and strewn with images alluding to myths and human history, this poem reveals the men’s customs and furthermore the never ending ritual of man, which guides the reader to conclude that In this poem Robert Frost does make an allusion to the famous Greek myth of Sisyphus. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this legend, it tells the story of a man named Sisyphus who was condemned to the chronic punishment of continuously pushing an oversized boulder up a steep hill only to watch it roll back down so he could start the process all over again. This directly relates to the Mending Wall because in this poem the two neighbors meet up from time to time to put boulders on top of the wall dividing their properties. Yet, just as inevitably at the fate of Sisyphus, the boulders frequently fall back down and the two men willingly repeat the process. Another interesting concept that falls into the two men’s process, is that the neighbor who initiates the repairs of the wall is the speaker who believes that there is no need for a wall between their properties. If his true desire was to rid of the wall then he wouldn’t constantly restore it, therefore the speaker must derive some inside satisfaction from the building of the wall or even the connection it brings with his neighbor. The structure of the Mending Wall is a long one-stanza poem. It is written in blank verse (no rhyming) and contains a narrative-like style. One of the main devices Robert Frost comprises is repetition, which is used as a technique to emphasize the collision of views between the neighbors. We first see the line â€Å"something there is that doesn’t love a wall† in the beginning of the poem when the speaker is referring to nature as that ‘something’, and once the line is repeated it has a new meaning. At the end of the poem the ‘something’ refers to the attitudes of the speaker towards the wall, meaning the narrator does not ‘love the wall’ and wants it down. Another example of repetition is the statement â€Å"good fences make good neighbours†. This reflects back to and accentuates the idea and opinion that although people can be good friends, there will always be a barrier standing between them, acting as a boundary that separates their social relations from their personal privacy, ‘walling in’ what they do not wish to share with others. Robert Frost employs primeval diction to transform the ordinary scene of wall mending into an ancient act of savages. He emphasizes words such as â€Å"spells† and â€Å"elves† that make the two men seem ancient and from the Stone Age as they hoist and transport the boulders. Also in history the building of walls, both literal and figurative, marked the very foundation of society. Figuratively, rules and laws are walls and justice is the process of wall-mending. And the ritual of wall maintenance highlights the dual and complementary nature of human society, meaning the rights of individuals are affirmed through the affirmation of other individuals’ rights. In the poem their communal act, or civic â€Å"game,† offers a good excuse for the speaker to interact with his neighbor as they perform the same procedural actions done by prehistoric humans.

Censorship on Huckleberry Finn, Argument and Counterargument Essay

Time and time again art has been criticized for being too vulgar and expressive, Mark Twain was one of these individuals who participated in art, he was raised in the generation where slavery was common and racial slurs were frequently used. So to criticized and censor his work for writing what he grew up knowing would be like punishing Huck Finn for stealing things from others when he was told it was borrowing all his life by his pa â€Å"Pap always said it warn’t no harm to borrow things if you was meaning to pay them back some time; but the widow said it warn’t anything but a soft name for stealing, and no decent body would do it† (Chp. 12 Pg, 49). I strongly disagree with the fact that people want to ‘update and improve’ the classic â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† because it uses a term that is found offensive frequently in todays generation. My problem with this posse that wants to change the wording of the book is that, their bigge st concern to why they want to change the word â€Å"nigger† to â€Å"slave† is that they’re doing for the children, trying to make it more comfortable for them to read and protecting the youth from frowned upon terms. If this is their concern then why are they singling out books and classics from decades ago, why not focus on the books being published now with the terms â€Å"whore† â€Å"slut† or â€Å"trailer trash† in it? To me those are equally offensive terms. John Foley once said that he thinks â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Harper Lee’s classic about racial inequality in the Deep South, and John Steinbeck’s â€Å"Of Mice and Men†(Source A) should be removed from the curriculum for similar reasons† all because they show the reader the time gap between the setting of the writing and the present of today even though in the beginning of all books they tell you what time frame the story is held in â€Å"SC ENE: The Mississippi Valley; TIME: Forty to Fifty Years Ago† (Page 0). Now I can see why some might want these books (Huck Finn, Of Mice and Men, and To Kill a Mockingbird) removed from curriculum, yes I do believe that Twain used the term â€Å"nigger† a few times to many, â€Å"the N-word appears 219 times in Huck Finn† (Source C). Children or even young adults should not be exposed to the vulgar terms and racial slurs that were used in the past. Isn’t the whole point of evolution is to change over time? What good comes from exposing our youth to the past that we all know America is not fond of? Don’t we want our youth to know that these terms are not acceptable in today’s society or the future? When these books make it sound like it was just a little friendly nickname. This is why I feel like students and parents should be given the choice as to whether they want them to read books such as these. We do it for movies at the beginning of every school year, why not do it with books also?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fast food is something that every American knows about Essay

Most likely you, the person reading this has had fast food before, and probably enjoyed it. Whether it may be Mcdonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, KFC, etc. There is nothing as cheap, quick to get, and tasty as fast food. With the ever-growing population of obese Americans, people are looking for a reason and for most that reason is fast food. Now according to the CDC (centers for disease control) the definition of overweight is having a BMI (body mass index) of 25-29.9 and the BMI for an obese person is 30 or higher. Could it be that fast food is causing 78 million Americans 20 years or older to be obese, or that 17% of all children and teens in the US are over weight because of it? I think not. Sure, fast food may not be the healthiest choice for you, but seriously, no one is forcing you to eat that cheeseburger and no one is forcing you to drink that soda. You see fast food is not the problem, the decision making of the obese American population is. Now just so weâ €™re clear I have nothing against obese people and there is a big difference between a little chunky, which is okay and obese. Now just so your aware of the obesity problem here in America, here’s some cold hard facts about obesity. Here in the US more than 35% of adults are considered obese, that’s more than 78 million people across the country that are obese. Seventeen percent of children and young adults are obese, which is triple the rate of a generation ago. Studies have shown that obesity gives you a greater chance of getting type2 diabetes and even cancer. If you are wondering why there are so many obese people in America today just ask your self a few simple questions. Would you rather go for a nice evening jog or stay home and watch your favorite TV show? Would you rather eat a salad or something not as healthy like a burger or pizza? And finally would you rather go to the gym or hang out with friends? If I had to guess I’d say most of you would rather hang out with friends, eat junk food, and watch your favorite TV show. You see most people have the time to work out and eat right they just choose not to and just like every choice made in life it comes with it’s benefits and consequences. You don’t have to pay for a gym member ship just walk up some steps or play catch with your kids or take a walk at the park, anything is obviously better than nothing. Now researchers will argue against my claims, and that’s understandable. They’ll mention that 33 percent of children and adolescents in the U.S. consume fast food on a typical day; they’ll also state that on average adolescents will visit a fast food restaurant twice a week. Well all I have to say to that is whose fault is that? How are these kids buying the fast food? With their parent’s money of course. Why can’t the parents make them something healthy and control what there kids eat instead of giving them money to eat fast food? It’s the parent’s fault that the kids are eating fast food so often. Fast food isn’t going to make you obese unless you eat it most of the time. If you eat it occasionally but you also eat your fruits and vegetables you’ll be fine. It is crazy to know that in the U.S. 49% of money spent on food is spent away from home. Which means people are choosing to buy food from restaurants and other place s rather than go to the grocery store and cook at home. That percentage is always increasing due to the fact that people now a days are looking for more convenient ways of getting there food. If your wondering just how much money is being spent on quick service restaurants, in 2011 quick service restaurants were expected to gain 168 billion dollars, 3% more than 2010. If people would just spend half the amount of money that they usually spend on fast food and cook a nice healthy meal instead there would be no problem with fast food. Once again the decisions of the American people are to blame. Hit the gym and help yourself get slim. Studies have shown that physical activity plays a big role in loosing weight but of course you knew that, its common sense. But what many people don’t know is that according to the CDC (center for disease control) fewer than 2 out of 10 Americans and less than 30 percent of adults get the recommended level of exercise. Also that more than 25% of U.S. adults do not devote any time to physical activity, the worst states being Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. It is very intriguing that correlations have shown that those states with the least amount of exercise have the most health problems. Type2 diabetes is mostly triggered by obesity, and in 1980 5.5 million adults had it; now approximately 25.6 million adults have type2 diabetes. The ever so increasing percentage of obesity and decreasing percentage in physical activity is definitely to blame. An interesting fact is that by loosing weight and getting from overweight to normal you can save on average $1400 a year on medication. If you don’t have time to hit the gym, there are a few tips that can help you get fit. First don’t drink soda; on average if you drink a soda can a day you’ll gain 15 pounds in a year, that is if you don’t work out of course. Take the stairs or walk around the block, a few extra steps could be the difference in burning some extra calories, and finally anything is better than nothing, curl some soup cans or do some crunches while watching TV. Any of those things can help you with your obesity, then you wont have to blame it on fast food. Fast food companies are now making a bigger push to serve healthier items in their stores, but it is up to the customers to get them otherwise it is all for nothing. McDonalds is taking the biggest step with there new items like the all fruit smoothies, apple slices, salads, and there brochures that show you there below 400,300,200, and 100 calorie items. Jack in the box is jumping on board as well with their 3 choices of salads, and serving grilled chicken instead of fried in there sandwiches. These fast food chains are realizing that healthy is the new way to go but yet the majority of people in America aren’t. We need to watch what we eat, eat healthier brown rice or bread instead of white, more fruits and veggies and less burgers, next time you go to mcdonalds get a salad instead of a Big Mac it might change your life. In conclusion the fast food industry is not to blame for Obesity in the United States of America. They’re taking steps in the right direction and the people of America should too. We need to start exercising more and getting active because that is the true reason for the increasing obesity. Make better decisions in your life style, choose a healthy one and like I said get a salad next time you go to McDonalds. – – –

Saturday, September 14, 2019

George W. Bush more like T. Roosevelt as opposed to Taft and Wilson Essay

President George W. Bush’s post September 11th policy certainly shows great resemblances to President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy more than that of Taft or Wilson. Roosevelt had a more stern policy, encouraging the forceful defense of the nation and the spreading of democracy and Christian ideals to less fortunate countries. This was very much so a direct correlation to what Bush tried to do Taft’s policy emphasized economic ideals in that he argued the US should lend out money and help countries elevate their economic status in order for the promotion of peace and prosperity throughout the world. Wilson’s policy emphasized morality, and the â€Å"nice guy† standpoint of how the US should carry out obligations. Consequently, President George Bush’s policy is a better reflection of President Theodore Roosevelt’s policy more than Taft’s or Wilson’s policy because of the military and political ideals that the two pol icies share. President Bush’s post September 11 policy reflects Roosevelt’s is because of the swift, stern actions that Bush’s administration took after the attacks on the nation. As Bush sent the troops over to Iraq quickly and in great numbers, the administration sent a candid and stern message. The United States would not stand for an attack on its soil, and those who did so would receive grave punishment for their actions. This message echoes the morals behind the â€Å"big Stick† policy. Just as Theodore Roosevelt once said, â€Å"Speak softly and carry a big stick.† Theodore Roosevelt believed that power was an important and unavoidable thing in foreign affairs. He also noted in his addition to the Monroe Doctrine (called the Roosevelt Corollary) that if any nation in the Western Hemisphere appeared in a political or fiscal situation that would allow for European control, the US should intervene. With an imperialistic outlook on the world, Roosevelt made the US a nation that constantly intervened and helped Latin American countries avoid European interference in the Western Hemisphere. Examples of this lie in Theodore Roosevelt actions when he made Cuba a protectorate, took Guam and Puerto Rico, as well as when he ventured out and involved the United States in the counterinsurgency of the Philippines all in order to fortify the existence of democracy and Christianity and help the individuals of the nations govern themselves. These ideals and policies were mirrored in Bush’s actions when the US troops inhabited the Middle East, and the Bush administration took it upon itself to take advantage of their occupancy of the lands by spreading its ideals of democracy and ‘correct’ political procedures. By doing this, the Bush Administration had essentially identified these locations in the Middle East as lesser fortunate nations, deemed themselves fit to help these regions, and force their ‘help’ past the governments of the regions and to the people. This decision and series of actions greatly resembles the actions and opinions of Roosevelt’s Corollary. Taft’s policy by contrast, was more of the United States venturing out to foreign land allowing for each foreign nation’s gradual acquiring of political and economic power through US investment in the countries’ infrastructures, which has little to do with Bush’s initial choice to attack the Middle East after September 11. Taft used â€Å"Dollar Diplomacy,† instead of military force. He wanted control and to aid businessmen in the US, and was in strong favor of solving problems via economic means rather than militarily. He saw his policy as humanitarian, for stabilization improved the living scale and conditions. For instance, in Nicaragua during 1912, the government would default on its debts, which might mean European intervention. The US offered to loan money (by private men) if the US could have some supervision over Nicaraguan finances. Bush’s post September 11 policy does not mirror this because he was in favor of military force and making it known militarily that the US could not be attacked without grave punishment. Wilson however based his policy on Morality. Bush’s post September 11th policy did not wholly reflect Wilson’s policy because Wilson’s Missionary policy aimed more in the direction of seeking peace and prosperity by means of creating pathways for institutions to branch out globally while Bush’s aim after the September 11 attacks was to retaliate forcefully and brutally (neither of which was peaceful). For instance, when the Japanese attempted, in the notorious Twenty-one Demands (1915), to reduce China almost to the status of a Japanese protectorate, he persuaded them to modify their conditions slightly. The ‘Twenty-One Demands’ required that China immediately cease its leasing of territory to foreign powers and to ascent to Japanese control over Manchuria and Shandong (Shantung) among other demands. Such persuasion as opposed to attack and forcefully making the US point reveals the difference between Bush’s and Wilson’s policy. Consequently, it is evident that President Bush’s post September 11 policy best resembles Roosevelt’s â€Å"big stick† diplomacy. Roosevelt’s policy was based on pragmatism as well as the idea of the nation’s obligatory retaliation to threats and attacks on the nation’s soil. His belief in the United States’ obligation to help foreign nations in need of political/military assistance is also a part of his policy. After the September 11th attacks, each of these ideals was echoed in President George W. Bush’s new foreign policy in that he reacted to the tragedy through military retaliation and force. Additionally once occupying the lands, the Bush administration chose to assist the Iraqi people and help them acquire the democratic ideals the US holds so dearly.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How Can Social Media Sites Be Used To Improve Knowledge Sharing, Build Essay

How Can Social Media Sites Be Used To Improve Knowledge Sharing, Build Social Capital, Support Innovation, And Aid Problem Solving In Multinational Corporations - Essay Example The use of Twitter for professional enhancement is well established now. The educational philosophy of constructivism offers a strong rationale for greater social media integration within the organization. These days, just as the sweep and reach of social media has increased, so have the niche media spaces that facilitate the interaction. Hence, beyond the prominent household names of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, we now have other specialized avenues for interaction like wiki portals and Youtube repositories of learning videos. In today’s competitive business environment, it is imperative for mutli-national companies to adopt social media strategies for external and internal communication. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc can be useful allies for managers in promoting knowledge sharing and team building. If applied selectively and appropriately, these media facilities can be sources of innovation and problem solving within the business corporation. T he term ‘social media’ is a bit misleading and off-putting for managers, as it sounds as an avenue for recreation and time-pass. But when one understands the full scope of possible activities that could be carried out through these sites its utility for managers becomes clear. Another positive aspect of social media sites is their malleability/customizability to specific organizational purposes and goals. Beyond the prominent sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, there are a host of more specialized sites for sharing pictures or bookmarks or applications have cropped up. There are also niche professional blogs and wikis which are seeing steady increase in patronage. (Zielinski, 2012) The objective of this essay is to argue in affirmation of the positive role of social media to improve knowledge sharing, build social capital, support innovation and aid problem solving in multinational corporations. Social media as a tool for innovation and research: A key area where social media sites differ from conventional sites is the content. The former generate their own content, â€Å"collaboratively creating, editing, sharing, tagging, and organizing information, reshaping the contributions of others and engaging in peer-to-peer discussion. These are emergent technologies, meaning that structure and content and even application emerge with use, from the needs and activities of the users.† ("The Revolution Will Be," 2011) And it is in this feature of dynamic and contemporaneous content that best suits knowledge sharing exercises. This feature is as well suited to the organizational task of building social capital. Management thinker James Surowiecki has argued in his book, The Wisdom of Crowds, that by tapping the power of social media and in creating goal-specific discussion forums etc, substantial social capital can be built. In forums such as these, people from diverse backgrounds and opinions can bring to table â€Å"shrewd judgments and cre ative solutions†. The management can play a constructive role in this process by setting up apt mechanisms to collect and assimilate feedbacks, inputs and opinions. Surowiecki’s concept is closely aligned with that of ‘crowd-sourcing’, which is an emerging model of employee participation in the creative processes of business development. And social media outlets have been the backbone of prominent examples of crowd-sourcing. ("The Revolution Will Be," 2011) For a company to excel in innovation, it must allow employees a convenient and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Strategy Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategy Experience - Essay Example Although these â€Å"snap decisions† created a situation in which the firm was able to react to the sudden changes and unique dynamics of the business environment, they necessarily left me a bit disquieted with regards to the overall quality of the inputs and the data that were being levered as a means of making these decisions. Further, the perennial concern that developed within my mind was whether or not these choices could ultimately have a very strong level of impact upon the longevity and success of the firm; due to the fact that some of the changes and pursuits that were engaged negated ones that had been made previously. Yet, as the process wore on, it became clear and apparent that even though the snap changes that were engaged took place at a dizzying speed, this rate of change was absolutely integral if the firm was indeed to survive in the climate of global business competition. By utilizing up to date information and tracking core levels of data, the meetings were able to present relevant needs that could encourage new levels of efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, a clear and unique distinction was able to be drawn between a long term strategy and short term goals. Further, in the beginning of the process, most stakeholders were unaware of how to incorporate the many different inputs that they received on each and every issue at hand. However, as the process wore on, individuals, myself included, felt more confident and comfortable engaging with the complexities that each decision necessarily portended. This should not be understood to mean that the decisions came to be easier over time; instead, the stakeholders became more familiar with the ways in which individual choices had complex outcomes that would affect other aspects of the company and lead to previously unforeseen consequences for the future. 2. Consider a specific